Friday, January 28, 2011

Dan Choi's open letter to the President: I'm not paying $2500 DADT Debt

Pam's House Blend:: Dan Choi's open letter to the President: I'm not paying $2500 DADT Debt: "Today I received a $2,500 bill from your Defense Department Finance and Debt Services. Specifically, you claim payment for 'the unearned portion' of my Army contract. Six months after my discharge under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy I have tried to move forward with my life, and I was inspired by your clarion calls for our progress as one nation towards a more just society. I have served my country in combat and I have tried to live my life by the values I learned at West Point in continued service to our nation. To move forward in my own life I have finally sought treatment for Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), Insomnia, and Depressive Disorder from the Veterans Affairs Department. But I still find myself on a domestic battlefield for basic dignity as an American citizen. I know I am not alone in this fight because of the desperate cries for help I get from discharged, unemployed, discriminated, and suicidal veterans. I have felt all of their same pains personally. Today I also witness the disgrace of a country that perpetually discovers methods to punish its own citizens for taking a moral stand."

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