Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Teens Harass Muslims In Upstate New York | TPMMuckraker

Teens Harass Muslims In Upstate New York | TPMMuckraker:
"Five teenagers have been arrested for disrupting religious services at a mosque in upstate New York after allegedly driving by the mosque during Ramadan services, honking their horns and firing a shotgun.

The five, who are all 17 and 18, have allegedly driven by the World Sufi Foundation mosque in Carlton, N.Y., during Ramadan services twice over the past week, yelling obscenities.

Last Friday, one of them also fired a shotgun into the ground. No one was hurt. He was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, a felony; the others have only been charged with disrupting religious services, a misdemeanor, but more charges are expected."

Repeat after me:

Someone is going to get killed and it will be written off to "a solitary deranged person" by the media powers that be. Then we can all go back to the Two Minutes Hate and know that we couldn't possibly be to blame.

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