Thursday, December 31, 2009

I had promised myself i wouldn't write about Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods IN REHAB? Golfer Forced To Arizona Clinic For Addiction Treatment, Report Says:
"This is not the first article to allege that the embattled golfer is seeking professional help. Earlier in December a report was published claiming that Woods was in an Arizona rehab clinic for 'sexual compulsion' and Vicodin and Ambien use. The officer responsible for investigating Woods' car accident reportedly requested a subpoena because he believed Ambien and Vicodin may have been a factor in the crash. Another report claimed that Woods was classified as an overdose patient when he was admitted to the hospital after his car accident."
I like getting laid and I remember that being stoned was fun too. This kind of shit pisses me off because as someone with an actual mental illness it trivializes what I and others like me go through every single day of our lives.

I was never under any illusion that Tiger Woods was a perfect person to use this BS excuse is slimy.

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