Friday, October 30, 2009

Joe Lieberman is one of my senators

From Hadassah Lieberman's Wikipedia bio
Hadassah has also worked for the lobbying company, APCO Associates, that had many pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations among its clients, as well as four major drug companies such as Pfizer. In March 2005, Hadassah was hired by Hill & Knowlton as "senior counselor" in the firm's "health care and pharmaceuticals practice." Hadassah's close relationship with pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations while her husband introduced legislation benefiting these exact companies has raised questions about improprieties and conflict of interest.
Amount of money donated to Joe Lieberman by Pfizer, Purdue Pharma and Aetna roughly $300,000

From the Hartford Courant today

"I feel relevant,'' Lieberman said in a conference call with a handful of Connecticut reporters this afternoon.

He is also a disingenuous, attention whoring douchebag.

Not that I have an opinion on it of course.

I must be feeling a little better if Holy Joe is starting to piss me off again.

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