Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Executive Pay Caps

For Large Bailout Recipients, a Plan to Curb Executive Pay - NYTimes.com
The Obama administration is expected to impose a cap of $500,000 for top executives at companies that receive large amounts of bailout money, according to people familiar with the plan.

Under new rules to be announced by the Treasury Department as early as Wednesday, executives would also be prohibited from receiving any bonuses above their base pay, except for normal stock dividends.

OMG how will they ever cope? How will they manage to attract talent for only $500K a year.
I can hear the howls starting now in the wingnutosphere.

While I currently am in a 6 figure salary job that I love, I will happily give it up to take any of these VP/SrVP level jobs for $500K and will pretty much guarantee that I couldnt possibly fuck up worse than the folks currently in them. Give me 1 year... come on .. someone .. anyone.. please please

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