Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Things That Are Smarter Than Jonah Goldberg: Part 5

Thom Hartmann is one of the finest Liberal talkshow hosts in America and will be interviewing the Doughy Pantload today on Air America. Check your local listings for details.

This could be a takedown of epic proportions because Thom, while polite, is not known for letting Bullshit Artists get away with their bullshit.

I am going to have to get this on a podcast later because my office doesn't let me stream it. Ah well.

1 comment:

  1. I listen to Thom Hartman on a daily basis, so I am aware of his abilities as a spokesman for us centrists.
    Unfortunately, he did not take on the Doughy Pantload with any vigour today. Keith Olberman did a much better job in his 'Worst Person' commentary yesterday.
    As a Canadian, I view the political scene in the USA with a jaundiced eye -- even your 'progressives'seem to be shills for the military-capitalist-congressional cabal.


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