Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yes, the teen is a victim

"It's my understanding he was grooming her and she wasn't grooming him," Davis said.

"I see true victims every day," he added. "This young man is no victim."

Davis also suggested that the boy -- who authorities say is 13 -- may actually be 16 or older -- too old for a state statutory rape count to apply.

"The information I have is that he might be older," said Davis, declining to elaborate. "The kid is sophisticated. He shaves, he has a mustache. I'll be requesting his original birth certificate from the Mexican consulate. I think he had one here, but I don't know if anyone vouched for its authenticity."

A prosecutor and a relative of the boy rejected Davis' claims.

I understand that an attorney has a duty to vigorously defend his client but this is some of the slimiest shit that I have seen in a while.

Even if (a big if) the kid is 16 instead of 13 it still means that the 25 year old teacher, by definition in a position of trust, was having sex with someone over whom she had a huge amount of control. This is not a romeo and juliet situation, this is abuse.

I predict that the fact that the boy is not in the country legally will either come into play in this woman's defense or it will turn out to be one of the key reasons that she targeted him. Abusers target the vulnerable. How much more vulnerable could someone be than a 13 year old kid who could have his entire family kicked out of the country if he told what was going on.

This woman is despicable.

See the story at CNN.com

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