Saturday, November 17, 2007

Republicans Filibuster Desperately Needed War Funding

Congress left for its Thanksgiving break Friday without passing a bill to pay for the war in Iraq after the Senate deadlocked over a Democratic demand that the measure include a call for most troops to be withdrawn by the end of next year.

As they have all year, Senate Democrats failed to muster the votes to consider a proposal to condition further spending on a timeline for withdrawing troops. The $50-billion bill, which narrowly passed the House on Wednesday, failed by seven votes.

And Republicans in the narrowly divided chamber fell short of a majority for their alternative proposal to send President Bush $70 billion without restrictions.

but further down is the real story ...

The Democratic funding measure received 53 votes, seven shy of the 60-vote supermajority needed to end a filibuster.

Does anyone think that if the parties were reversed here the headline at the LA Times would have been "Democrats filibuster desperately needed war funding" rather than Congress breaks without passing war spending bill

Just asking ...

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