Sunday, November 25, 2007

Saudi Government needs a new PR firm

The government statement said that according to the woman's signed confession, she called a man on her cell phone and "asked to be with him alone, illegally." The two met at a marketplace, then rode in the man's car to "a dark area of the beach, and stayed there for some time," the ministry said.

The group of attackers "saw her in a compromising situation, her clothes on the ground," the statement said. "The men at this point assaulted her and the man with her."

Well Of course that makes all the difference in the world. If a group of thugs sees two people making out they naturally should assume that it is ok to gang rape the woman. Especially since they know that she is unlikely to report the crime because the assholes that run the country think that women are evil temptresses and should be treated as such.

Why exactly does the Saudi government think that this bit of information makes them look any better? As a father I would like to think that it was Ok for my daughter to make out in the park with her boyfriend without risking gang rape from passing assholes.

Go read the full story at

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