- something that is either just untrue (he is trying to take our guns),
- he is soft on illegal immigration (more deportations than any other President),
- he propped up the banks (nope that was Bush 43 with TARP)
- he wasted money with the stimulus (only true in that it was too small, although cash for clunkers was indeed misguided)
- He bailed out GM (really, you want to have that conversation about how it would have been a good idea to crater what was left of the economy?)
- OBAMACARE !!!! (only a bad idea in that it leaves the existing system mostly in place. Personally I am happy as hell because I would surely otherwise be uninsurable)
- BENGHAZI!!! (oh please. You can TRY to hang this around Clinton's neck if you want but watch out for the blowback when she points out that the GOP cut the budget for embassy security)
That only leaves me with one thing that he is guilty of ... he is a Democrat.
Tell me which of the clown car full of GOP candidates you found appetizing last time around and explain to me why they would have been better.
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