Sunday, May 11, 2014

Miami's Culture of Inclusion

2014 NFL draft -- Miami Dolphins GM disappointed in Don Jones' tweet in regards to Michael Sam - ESPN:
"Just 48 hours after Pro Bowl center Mike Pouncey found himself in hot water over recent Twitter comments, Dolphins second-year player Don Jones tweeted a controversial reaction to the St. Louis Rams drafting Michael Sam, who became the first openly gay player drafted in the NFL. [+] Enlarge AP Photo/Lynne Sladky Dolphins general manager Dennis Hickey on Don Jones' apparent anti-Michael Sam tweet: "That's not what we stand for as an organization." Soon after Sam was drafted, Jones tweeted "OMG" and "horrible." Those tweets since have been deleted. Television cameras showed Sam kissing his boyfriend after the former Missouri star received a phone call from the Rams. "

'via Blog this'

And as usual, many of the comments on the story are stupid. No, this isn't about freedom of speech.

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