Monday, February 1, 2010

Rep. Paul Ryan's daring budget proposal

Rep. Paul Ryan's daring budget proposal: "

The White House's 2011 budget is only the second-most interesting budget proposal released recently. First prize goes to Congressman Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, who's released a budget proposal that actually erases the massive long-term deficit.

That's not mere press release braggadocio. CBO agrees (pdf). Under the CBO's likeliest long-term scenario, deficits are at 42 percent of GDP in 2080. Under Ryan's proposal, we're seeing surpluses of 5 percent of GDP by that time.

But Ryan's budget -- and the details of its CBO score -- is also an object lesson in why so few politicians are willing to answer the question 'but how will you save all that money?'

Yes, you can balance the budget. This ain't the way to do it, but it can be done, eventually.

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